Web-Controlling (also called Web analytics) is an important instrument within the result checking in search engines and follows the search engine optimization of a webseite.
The term "web controlling" means in this context the specific gathering and analysis of the website accesses (also called traffic).
As an advantage of this analysis the webmaster obtains an important informative basis
what the main entry and exit pages are,
where the visitors of the website come from (e.g. countries, towns, regions),
what the most popular undersides and products are,
which browser and which computer operation system the visitors use,
from which other websites the most visitors come from,
which typical click pathes of the visitors do exist,
how much undersides the visitors accessed altogether,
how long the visitors stayed on the website or
which keywords the visitors admitted in which search engine, before they entered the website.
Thus the search engine ranking can be otimized more specific and the website can be adjusted functional and of the contents for the needs of visitors.
A counter free of charge for the analysis of the website traffic is offered from Matomo web analytics:
A simple way to get the pleasure of an analysis by means of the Matomo statistics system without installing it on the webspace is offered by counterbox.de.
The offers with costs from etracker provide very detailled analysis of the website traffic graded after classes that exceed the possibilities of the free Pphlogger web-controlling system by far and they can be tested free of charge first of all.
etracker web controlling