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Webranking - a definition

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Search engines display the results of search queries after certain keywords or pairs of keywords in a respectively individual order or hierarchy - the so-called ranking.

Websites with the highest größten relevance for the search term (belonging to the respective criteria of the search engine) are listed on top in the search result.

"Webranking" as the understandable ambition of webmasters to change with their website the structure of search engine positions preferably to their benefit is phrased with different terms:

Whether search engine optimization, search engine entry, search engine registration or search engine marketing, they all mean finally the same.


Webranking is a permanent process

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Even if a website was optimal submitted to a search engine it is necessary to check the ranking in regulary intervals and to analyze changes:

Why is the ranking of a competitor suddenly better than last month? Or are there suddenly new websites in the search result?

There is an important correlation as follows:

If a website has reached a relevant webranking in a search engine as a result of search engine entry or optimization then competitive websites will be automatically displaced from the previous position because of the optimization.

This again will gear strengths at competitive websites, who lost their positions in the search result, to reestablish the previous ranking.

So it isn`t adequate to reach a certain ranking in a search engine one time.

In fact it is indispensable to check regulary the search positions in the relevant search engines and to touch up, if necessary.


Why does the webranking change?

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Many factors who change from week to week influence the ranking and the circumstance, if a website is listed on the first three results pages.

Besides the dynamic of crowding out processes of existing websites mentioned above there shouldn`t be forget that each day thousands of websites are set in the net and so the quantity of competitors at certain search terms and respectively the number of websites with relevant content for a certain search term will rise permanently.

And also the ranking criteria of the search engines are currently developed. This means that the ranking criteria with whom a higher consistency between the search terms (keywords) and the content of a website is determined, will change over time.

But they are largely not published from the operating companies of the search engines.

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Suchmaschinen Screenshot Google Ranking


Suchmaschinen Screenshot Fireball Ranking


Suchmaschinen Screeshot Yahoo! Ranking




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